The BCAA's study was done using Canada's high gas prices. At the US's lower prices, the hybrid cars would be at an even bigger disadvantage.
Which one of the 16 hybrids cost less than its conventionally-powered equivalent? According to the BCAA, that would be the Mercedes S400 with a sticker price of $105,900 Canadian. (A lot of resources, each of which has an environmental cost, go into making a $105,900 car. So buy the car if you like it but not because you're "helping the environment.")
It is said, plausibly, that more oil is used to ship a hydrid car from Japan to North America than the car will ever save through its increased mileage. Owning a hybrid is not about the environment. Like most things liberal, it is about the narcissism.
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RELATED: Smug Alert
PREVIOUSLY on the subject of narcissism:
•Narcissist-in-Chief (with cartoon and photo)
•Study: Environmentalists more likely to "cheat" and "steal"
•Obama: "I want you to understand: this is not about me!"
•Obama: it's all about me!
•Confusing Compassion with Narcissism
•Obama's narcissism and the Chicago Olympics bid
•Environmentalism and Narcissism, II
•From OpenLeft: Is liberalism narcissism?
•Environmentalism and Narcissism,
•The side-effects of good intentions
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