Despite the speeches and talk show appearances, Rasmussen
reports that likely voters oppose Obamacare by 54% to 42%, numbers that, given the margins of error, are little changed since August. Pres. Obama's presidential approval index is also
stuck at a low level with 40% who strongly disapprove
vs. only 30% who strongly approve:

Looking carefully at the plot, you can see that he received a bump up in approval after his prime-time health care speech and another bump after his Olympics trip. Neither bump lasted. He might do better if he learn to stop being so bitterly
partisan and
UPDATE (21-Oct-2009): The strongly-approve number
has dropped to 27% and, with the other numbers remaining unchanged, this lowers the Rasmussen's "approval index" to -13. This change is within the 3% margin of error for the poll.
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