Thursday, March 31, 2011

Teacher charged with making 16 death threats

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that teacher Katherine Windels was charged today in Dane County Criminal Court with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts for allegedly making sixteen death threats against Wisconsin Republicans
According to the criminal complaint, Windels allegedly sent an email threat to State Sen. Robert Cowles (R-Green Bay) March 9. Later that evening, she allegedly sent another email to 15 Republican legislators, including Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau).

The subject line of the second email was: "Atten: Death Threat!!!! Bomb!!!" In that email, she purportedly wrote, "Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks."

Hat tip: GatewayPundit.

The criminal complaint is here (PDF).

RELATED: Unions are threatening boycotts of small businesses unless they actively support the unions.

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, no major newspaper outside Wisconsin has carried this story.

RELATED: Liberal thug issues a death threat against Dutch Koch, president of a Des Moines office supply firm, in the mistaken belief that he was related to the billionares Charles and David Koch.

PREVIOUSLY on the Wisconsin showdown between public employees and taxpayers:
Wisconsin Tea Party leader threatened
Left allegedly does $7.5 Million in damage to Wisconsin Capitol Building

Progressively worse

In light of the Democrat efforts to protect collective bargaining rights of public sector unions, James Tartanto writes: "In the topsy-turvy world of contemporary liberalism, it's "progressive" to deliver less service to taxpayers at greater cost."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Evidence that the Tea Party is succeeding

The State Coordinator for the Wisconsin Tea Party has received a death threat. The Brookfield WI Patch reports:
Police are increasing patrols near the Brookfield home of a state tea party leader who has pushed for greater health and pension concessions from public employees after he received a veiled death threat over the weekend.

Wisconsin Tea Party Patriots State Coordinator Michael Hintze told police when he answered a call on his cell phone about 2:30 p.m. Saturday, a male voice "asked if he was wearing a bullet-proof vest" and then hung up.
Hat tip: GatewayPundit. ABC-12 Wisconsin also has the story.

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -Mahatma Gandhi

In 2009, the liberals ignored the Tea Party. Next, they ridiculed it ("racist, sexist, anti-gay"). Now they fight in a way that seems to come naturally to them: anonymous death threats.

Monday, March 07, 2011

The more things change, the more they stay the same: Obama to restart Gitmo military trials

Although, upon entering office, Pres. Obama signed an executive order to close Gitmo by January 2010, it is not only still open but Obama has also decided to resume "prosecutions under the military commission system."  As Prof. Reynolds might say, so much for that fierce moral urgency of change.

TPM has the full text of the executive order here.  The Hill also has a story on this.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Left does $7.5 Million in damage to Wisconsin Capitol Building

WITI-TV reports on the damage done by supporters of Wisconsin's government-unions who have been protesting against Gov. Walker's reforms:
It could cost as much as $7.5 million to repair damage protesters have done to the Capitol Building marble say officials in Madison. Fixing posters to the marble with tape and glue appears to have done the bulk of the damage.

During testimony Thursday, a representative from the Attorney General's office said a contractor estimated it would cost $500,000 to remove all of the posters and garbage. He says it would cost $6 million to restore the marble inside of the Capitol building and another $1 million to touch up the marble outside of the building.

RELATED: A left-wing protester has been arrested for allegedly making bomb threats against a business where Gov. Walker had just spoken.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Obama declares Tea Party racist

At least that is what U.S. News White House reporter Kenneth T. Walsh is claiming:
In May 2010, [Obama] told guests at a private White House dinner that race was probably a key component in the rising opposition to his presidency from conservatives, especially right-wing activists in the anti-incumbent "Tea Party" movement that was then surging across the country. Many middle-class and working-class whites felt aggrieved and resentful that the federal government was helping other groups, including bankers, automakers, irresponsible people who had defaulted on their mortgages, and the poor, but wasn't helping them nearly enough, he said.

A guest suggested that when Tea Party activists said they wanted to "take back" their country, their real motivation was to stir up anger and anxiety at having a black president, and Obama didn't dispute the idea. He agreed that there was a "subterranean agenda" in the anti-Obama movement—a racially biased one—that was unfortunate. But he sadly conceded that there was little he could do about it. [Emph. added]

Are Democrats nice people?

The Daily Caller reports on how one Congresswoman treats her staff:
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas also hands out nicknames to the people who work for her. The Houston Democrat addressed one of her employees as “you stupid motherf**ker.” And not just once, but “constantly,” recalls the staffer, “like, all the time.”

Another Jackson Lee aide recounts the time her parents came to Washington to visit: “They were really excited to come to the congressional office. They’re small town people, so for them it was a huge deal. They were actually sitting in the main lobby waiting area….[Jackson Lee] came out screaming at me over a scheduling change. Called me a ’stupid idiot. Don’t be a moron, you foolish girl’ and actually did this in front of my parents, of all things.”

The full article has much more.

Previous on Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX):
Rep. Lee and the impostors at her town hall meetings.

What is ethical in Wisconsin?

The Wisconsin Ethics Board has just ruled that it is ethical for the Wisconsin Democrats to use campaign funds to pay for the personal living expenses that they incur as a result of being out-of-state for the purpose of not doing their jobs.

PREVIOUSLY on the subject of ethics or the lack thereof:
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton
Culture of Corruption, White House edition
Which state has the most corrupt Democrats: NY or Illinois?
Democrats and ill-gotten gains
Corruption loses a key advocate
Dems, taxes, and hypocrisy
How to buy a congressman
Poll: Dems think it OK to cheat on taxes
Obama and Tony Rezko
Democrats and taxes
How to buy a judge
How Al Sharpton buys his political contributions
Corruption at the World Bank
Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Feinstein: how their husbands benefit from government contracts
The rules apply only to other people
Rep. Kagen investigated by FDA
Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) under an ethics cloud
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