UPDATE: My videos of this Tea Party are here.
Even in San Francisco, Pres. Obama cannot escape protesters. He held a fundraiser at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco tonight (Thursday) and a crowd turned out across the street on Union Square to let him know what they thought:That cable car is climbing Powell Street which separates Union Square from the St. Francis Hotel.
The crowd was not just Tea Partiers. There were also single-payer enthusiasts, 9-11 truthers, and US-out-of-Aghanistan'ers as well. Here is a shot of the central section which, as you can tell from the signs, was largely Tea Partiers:
and from another angle:
The below sign is philosophical: capitalism is freedom. As I took this photo, a liberal was disagreeing with the sign holder about the meaning of freedom.
Some may complain that this sign, with its botany lesson, lacked proper respect for our leader: "Mighty Nuts from Acorns grow"
This man had a nicely illustrated two-sided sign about kool-aid:
This sign recommends drinking the tea instead of the kool-aid:
This sign pointed to the practical economic problem of the soon to expire tax cuts:
It is clear that Rep. Joe Wilson's point has resonated:
This sign speaks for many of us: "instead of apologizing for America, apologize to America":
This sign pointed out that there wouldn't be an America for Obama to be president of if the US military hadn't preserved it for him:
Many protesters wanted more attention paid to the constitution:
This woman emigrated from Russia and she had a tale to tell about "single-payer" medicine:
In another moral lesson for liberals, "don't share my wealth, share my work ethic":
What does Obama stand for? This sign has the answer: Our Beautiful America Misused & Abused:
This concerned citizen knows full well that the "unbiased" media will portray her as part of an angry mob conspiracy:
The Tea Party crowd stayed well past dark:
With the close proximity of left and right in this crowd, there were many discussions but everything remained peaceful. Obama, fundraising inside the hotel, likely heard none of it.
UPDATE: My videos of this Tea Party are here. Bay Area Patriot organizer Sally Zelikovsky discusses the tea party movement here. Zombietime's selection of the 20 best signs from this protest are here.
Thanks to FoxNation, Lucianne.com, Gateway Pundit, Michelle Malkin, Atlas Shrugs, Red State, Tammy Bruce, American Power, LiveLeak, Solid Principles, Conservative Nation, Free US Now, Now Public, The Fox Hole, Worse Than Carter, Ketchikan Tea Party, Can I Just Finish My Waffle?, Wake Up America, and the many others for their links and for spreading word about this event. Via Gateway Pundit, Rush Limbaugh saw these photos and mentioned them on his radio show.
LOVE YOUR PAGE! Keep up the excellent work!!
ps. Link Exchange?
Great job San Francisco!
Great post, keep up the good work...
What a lovely surprise you guys had waiting for our dysfunctional leader. The pics are great and the signs send a powerful message. You did a wonderful job covering the tea party.
Thank you for sharing.
Encouraging stuff from
Pelosi country. Keep up the good work!
one of my students (from Taiwan)told me that the chinese comments are links to buy adult toys and porn sites, BEWARE
Wow....this is San Francisco?? Incredible.....is there any way these San Franciscans can get Pelosi out of office?
Great signage! Thanks for posting.
I live in SF, and can tell you most of these people probably came from outside the city. So influencing peolsi won't fly.
John, great pics of the tea party..I'm glad San Francisco showed that people with opposing view points can demonstrate peacefully.
Bitter clingers in San Francisco? Wow!
Thanks for posting the pocs.
Just wow! thanks for sharing. let's keep this up America until everybody wakes up!
Nice post- but get rid of the obscene "comments" by anonymous-They are links I'm sure you don't want on your page.
Stop big Obama, stop social health care, stop big government from growing, and fight for freedom America!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the fine journalism, citizen! I hope you don't mind, I've added you to my blogroll.
I wouldn't have expected a pro-tea party protest of this size to happen in SF.
I look forward with glee to Nancy Pelosi's defeat in her next election. If SF voters pull that off, they will be doing the country we love a TREMENDOUS service.
Thanks for covering this story.
Right on San Fransisco. You proved you're not all Kool Aid drinkers! Thank you!
This is great thanks for posting the photos.
Great pics, great signs, great post.
You're retarded. A few malcontents do not speak for the nation. Obama has a lot on his plate, he is doing a great job. The markets are up, healthcare reform is on it's way, it's time for all you greedy, losers to shut up and go away.
Actually the majority of the people there were promoting health care for all Americans, maybe you should take a closer look at your own photo. :-)
John -- Great post and great photos. I've posted a link to your post, and 4 of your photos on a N. Ireland website I post on. (I'm in LA) If you object, just let me know and I will gladly remove at your request)
Here's the link:
Here's to great blogging. Patty
Any mailing list for future events?
And, as usual, a perfectly representative pictorial on just "who" these Teapartiers are. They don't represent anything but white Republican interests.
[...] Even in San Francisco, Obama is protested [...]
But Guillame.....what happens when we all go away and your left with the bill? If you don't have tax payers to foot the bill then there is nothing left to give. I guess really what you are saying is shut up, go to work, pay your taxes so I can have your hard earned money via government welfare.
One day you will see that you were on the wrong side of history. I feel embarrassed for you and yours.
Great signs!! Way to go, San Francisco!
I just bought a "Why So Socialist?" Obama Joker t-shirt, a Going Rogue - Sarah Palin for President 2012" t-shirt and a Glenn Beck 9.12 Project t-shirt to wear at the next Tea Party protest!
Order yours while they are on Sale now with FREE shipping at http://www.wallstreetmarketnews.com/tshirts.html
Wow, I didn't expect to see that in San Francisco.
Just maybe there is hope for this nation yet.
Hey fellow Americans. I want to say thanks to those of you there against Obama and Big Government.
Thank You!!! :)
Interesting how some think that they can invalidate what is said by noting the color of the speaker's skin.
awesome coverage. atlas shrugs linked me. thanks.
A much deserved welcome for the DC guest. So glad you all were there to greet him. Great job, San Fransisco!
From down in the deep South, you guys made me proud! I was beginning to wonder if SF had the balls to fight Nancy, Boxer, Feinstein, & "Our Dear Leader"!
Nice turnout! This was much bigger than the "anti-war" protests during Bush's presidency.
Obama whined on behalf of Pelosi. Not that his MSM was any kinder to Palin.
Those two need to be voted out. Hello San Francisco! are you listening?
Very Good Journalism!
You did a really fine job with the picture choices (and it looks like you had fun, too :-)
Dear City Square, thank you for sharing. I'll use (if you don't mind) some of your pics in my blog, just to show some spaniards that Obama does not have the 100%consensus the spanish media say he has in the US. Thank you.
Obama is fond of using youngsters as props; but, while talking to America's children at the grade school level, perhaps he could take the opportunity to explain to them WHY he is saddling them and their future earnings potential with a crippling debt burden in order to implement his coveted Marxist agenda, with which, (as his Father before him) he dreams of transforming our Nation into the shared misery of a Socialist Utopia. In brief, Obama is the most dangerous demagogue EVER to surface on the American political scene. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ELECT TO PARTAKE OF THE OBAMA KOOL-AID, THAT'S MOST CERTAINLY YOUR PREROGATIVE; BUT, DON'T DISPARAGE THOSE OF US WHO ARE ALARMED AT THE INCIPIENT DAMAGE BEING WROUGHT ON OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC BY AN EXTREME LEFT-WING MARXIST RADICAL; and, belay the "racism" nonsense. Greg Neubeck
keep this going...
Everyone must know the truth.
And, as usual, a perfectly representative pictorial on just "who" these Teapartiers are. They don't represent anything but white Republican interests.
So you're in essence saying that left-wing protests are more legitimate because community organizers round up ignorant, uneducated ghetto and barrio dwellers and bring them along?
Minorities are a cosmetic affectation to lefties. Pets. Props. Mascots. We know this is true because if you persist in calling gainfully employed/largely college-educated taxpayers stupid what must you really think about the massive percentage of the Democrat vote that is supplied by the bottom of society?
I did not vote for Obama, the reason: I knew he was socialist and would change the entire USA. His policies of change are nothing but take from the rich and give to the poor. Most rich people have sacrificed and worked hard for their success. The poor have the same possibilities! Schools should be only in English, if you do not understand English then a separate program should be made for those non-speaking english students. This way, they won't affect the rest of the student population.
Wow. Even I can recognize opposition as having the freedom and right to express how they feel..... but to "shut people up and make them go away" - that's resonating from- hmmmm, let's seeeeee, Mao? Stalin? dare I say, Hitler? (Mao was actually the worst) Oh, but I forgot - Obama assigns people in the White House who support these very Marxists/Communists.
Dear right wingers,
Liberals don't hat America..Liberlas just hate YOU...Deal with it..
"Anonymous said...
Dear right wingers,
Liberals don't hat America..Liberlas just hate YOU...Deal with it.."
12:27 PM
I think we can see the intolerance and hatred boiling over in this one. It will probably not be too long before this person engages in a hate crime.
God bless the protesters and America.
Btw., the posts in Chinese are are Pr0n spam, just FYI. After we get America back on track, let's get some regime change in China!
ALRIGHT, San Francisco! There are so many idiots in your city that those with good sense have to get together in a group to be seen. Tea Party protestors need to greet that usurper wherever he goes. We shouldn't allow him to move an inch without us.
Thanks for the pics and comments.
Wont see this on the evening news. I was surprised to see this of all places... San Francisco?
I was happy to see this in San Fran. I might even go back to visit it again someday. Before this showing of good feelings I wouldn't spend one red cent in that city but now I feel better about the place. I'm a Dead Head and am glad to see the loons haven't taken over every square inch of a beautiful city. I had some good times there way back when. Selling stickers and t-shirts to make my little capitalistic way, LOL! Good times, Good times!
I'm surprised any of you mouth-breathers have a computer to post your moronic comments. They must have internet access in the asylum.
stonytony sez:
the mostly anonymous posters are good at calling names but provide few facts to secure their position that BHO is doing the right things for our country. however, the people protesting BHO's agenda have VALID concerns and are not afraid to express them. the libs should note that free speech, including the libs free speech, is protected by the 1st amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
one of the things i have noted is that BHO has NEVER stopped campaigning since he began back in 2007. he gives a speech every day that is long on rhetoric but very very short on any facts to support it.
oh, and for those libs who have posted on here, perhaps they need to invest in spell check. it seems a 2nd grade education is not sufficient to properly communicate what they wish.
we DO know how to protest... and are oh so over Pelosi.
Something tells me these folks are not from San Francisco, if they are they should already know that their city took action themselves & set up a public option back in 2006. They were tired of waiting for the Fed & state to address health care. I have heard good things about the program & its effects in that city.
I think they are from San Francisco. I have been there many times and there are some great people living among the Loons! I think they all showed up and I am proud of them.
I found this through Beers With Demo, through Head Noises. The protesters were not all right-wing kooks like me. Some were twoofers and code-pink loons and other left-wing kooks. A very interesting conglomeration of rightists, leftists, total nut-cases (twoofers) and everyone in between.
(Yes, iGoogle translator translates those Chinese words into sex sells stuff.)
As to that idiot claiming it's white hate, you're an idiot. I traveled over to Sadly, No and found lots of racist hate. Such as non-whites who vote Republican are race-traitors. I documented that visit in my own article "Liberals Are Racist." I also posted a reprint of Black&Right's article showing the "Democrat Race Lie" on my own site. So you can take your racist lies elsewhere because the facts are against you.
I seriously doubt Pelosi can be defeated in San Fransisco but the bigger picture is: If anti-ObamaNation protests and anti-Big-Daddy protests can occur in SF, Big Daddy had better sit up and take notice.
I am so proud of the Tea Party greeters in San Francisco. If they can turn a new leaf, then so can I. I would like to start visiting the Bay area again. Keep it up!
Love the Obama Kool Aid Sign...
Just more proof that the national media is asleep at the wheel and Obama and Pelosi have not figured it out yet and are clueless.
As one veterans sign that I saw said you can rem it down our throats in 2009 but in 2010 we will ram it up your .....
Change will be a big word in 2010...
Great Post. Keep Up the great work. Eventually he will do as the public wants not what he wants to do.
Thanks Pleasantonteaparty.com for standing up for the bay area! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I almost did not come because I heard we had to have a permit to protest but I came anyway and I am forever proud I did!
Thanks Anon and Mildred for the info: I deleted the three Japanese porn comments.
I'm totally blown away that there actually SANE people living among us in the Bay Area! This gives me true hope! Who ARE you? WHERE are you? I want to be part of this. Good job, People!!! Thank you for standing up for core old-school AMERICAN values!!
Carolandra asked: "Who ARE you? WHERE are you? I want to be part of this."
We are the Bay Area's Tea Party and 9-12 organizations. I put together some relevant links in the comments of the video post.
I had briefly seen a post that another TEA Party protest is set for Nov 14 at Pier 39 (Fisherman’s Wharf). Believe that the emphasis was centered around amnesty for Illegals that Obama is pushing through Congress.
To Escape_from_SUN:
You can find details for that upcoming protest here.
For some reason, this page seems to attract spam: I have just removed 3 more comments, each of which was an ad for viagra.
its a great post!thanks for sharing
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