Remember when BusHitler's military commissions were shredding the constitution? That is now so last year, as CNN reports:
Hat tip: Astute Blogger.
Jim Lavery illustrates the Obama-Moran mindset:
RELATED: One of the many problems of civilian trials of terrorists is the type of defense lawyer that is attracted to the cause, as Michelle Malkin details.
It seems that Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) didn't get the memo: He is still claiming that anyone who skeptical of Obama's plan to try the Al Qaeda bigwigs in civilian court is "un-American."Two-thirds of Americans disagree with the Obama administration's decision to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a civilian court rather than a military court, according to a new national poll. ....
"The decision to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in front of a civilian court is universally unpopular - even a majority of Democrats and liberals say that he should be tried by military authorities," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. [Emph. added]
Hat tip: Astute Blogger.
Jim Lavery illustrates the Obama-Moran mindset:

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