Liberals hold sit-ins. When protesting Obamacare, a 'sit-in' didn't seem appropriate: a 'sick-in' did. Carrying with them their crutches, bandages, and fake blood, a crowd gathered today by the Ferry Building in San Francisco to protest what Obamacare would do to our health.

The building on the left above is the Ferry Building. The suspension bridge in the background on the right is the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Below is another shot of the crowd looking in the other direction:

One woman made a point that I had to agree with: "If you're not outraged, then you are not paying attention":

In the background above is one of SF's well recognized symbols, the clock tower on the SF Ferry Building, which can also be seen below in the portrait of a zombie:

If you watch movies, you know that zombies are nearly indestructible. This zombie makes the point that even he would get ill if he had to depend on PelosiCare.
The protester below, with the bandaged but still bleeding (fake) head wound, used a chart of the bureaucracies to be created by ObamaCare to explain what many think is the real agenda of Obamacare: it is an SEIU jobs program.

Another protester, also braving an Obamacare-induced head wound, made a related point about Obamacare being not a reform but a takeover:

During the campaign, candidate Obama famously said that matters of life and death were "above his paygrade." Now, as president, Obama seems all too happy to decide what medical care grandma deserves:

This sign reminds us that Obamacare is part of the Obama deficit spending spree:

The point of having a 'sick-in' is, of course, to emphasize that government-medicine will kill you:

If the "unbiased" media considers the people who value freedom of choice in healthcare to be an "angry mob," then this protester was proud to be a member of that mob:

Actually, she is a very nice grandmother but don't let the "unbiased" reporters hear that.
As the protest went on, a double-decker tour bus went by:

I suspect that the last thing that the tourists in that bus expected to see was conservatives and libertarians protesting in San Francisco.
This protest was organized by the San Francisco
Bay Area Patriots.
Michelle Malkin readers! Thanks also to
The Snooper Report, and
Newsvine for their links.
PREVIOUSLY on the subject of local protests and tea parties:
A Tea Party greets Obama in San Francisco (Oct. 15)
Videos of the October 15 San Francisco Tea Party
San Franciscans speak to Nancy Pelosi (Aug. 14)
The San Francisco Tax Day Tea Party Protest in Pictures (Apr. 15)
Rep. Eshoo's health care town hall (Sep. 2)
Rep. Speier's town hall meeting (Aug. 23)
Million man Tea party
more pictures at
I tweeted it!
Great pictures!
This is absolutely magnificent pictures and layout! Right in their back yard and kind of like the French resistance during World War II. The only thing that would be more wonderful is if you good folks up there could dump Pelosi into the Bay!
Keep the faith, 2010 is not far off!
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