In Monday's
Wall Street Journal, Fred Barnes
writes on the failure this year of the Republican National Committee (RNC), headed by Michael Steele, to fund the traditional get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts. For example:
In Ohio, state chairman Kevin DeWine is desperate for RNC support. The state party was promised $1.1 million from the committee but has received only $566,900. And that, Mr. DeWine said in a letter to Mr. Steele last week, "simply pales in comparison to the investment of the previous three cycles." In 2006, the RNC gave nearly $5 million to the Ohio party. . . .
In past elections, the RNC has provided major financial help to House and Senate campaigns. In 2006, it transferred $25 million each to the NRCC and its Senate counterpart. This cycle, it sent $2 million apiece to the two committees in early 2009 but nothing since.
The reason is that Michael Steele has failed to raise the money needed:
Since Mr. Steele was elected chairman last year, the RNC has raised almost $153.7 million, roughly $90 million less than in 2006. It has aired only a few TV ads and its get-out-the-vote (GOTV) drive is considerably less ambitious than in previous midterm elections. [Emph. added]
It is not all bad. The slack is being picked up by independent groups, such as Americans for Prosperity, who likely have a better idea of what voters want than the Republican party's Washington bureaucracy ever did.
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