•Pelosi: Pass Obamacare so artists can quit their day jobs
•How many House Democrats would be vulnerable this fall because of Obamacare?
•Britain's Obamacare: Hospital patient dies of thirst as nurses ignore his pleas for water
•Nobel Laureate economist explains why socialized medicine always fails
•Rep. Ryan explains the dishonesty of Obamacare economics
•Obamacare 2.1 and its discontents (illustrated)
•Pushing a losing agenda
•The Obama enigma
•An encounter with the Ideologue-in-Chief
•Democrats' stealth plan to resuscitate Obamacare
•Those who want to go done with the ship: Obamacare Dead-enders
•Obamacare may raise insurance costs by 54%
•Harvard's Dean of Medicine opposes Obamacare
•How good is Canadan health care?
•Rahm Emanuel explains that they are not even trying have Obamacare make sense
•Harvard economist explains why Obamacare will raise premiums
•HHS says Obamacare will cause costs to go up and cause employers to drop coverage
•To protest Obamacare, San Francisco holds a sick-in
•Polls say majority of voters oppose Obamacare
•Obama wants to kill your mother!
•VP Biden offers medical advice
•"The Post Office, with scalpels"
•Dems oppose affordable medicine
•Socialized medicine in Japan: Baby dies after 8 hospitals refuse to admit mother
•The Canadian health care collapse
•Canadian official: "the system is imploding"
•Canadian MP flies to US for treatment
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