UPI reports that Fiorina's supporters lack enthusiasm:
Two-thirds of respondents in the survey taken statewide Sept. 14-21 said their preference for Fiorina was largely based on disapproval of Boxer rather than support of Fiorina, the Chronicle said.An advantage that California Sen. Boxer has over challenger Fiorina is that Boxer has supported Pres. Obama and, unlike much of the country, Pres. Obama is actually popular in California. Rasmussen reports:
Fifty-seven percent (57%) in California approve of the job President Obama is doing, while 42% disapprove. Those ratings are better than those found nationally for the president in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.
PREVIOUSLY on the always outrageous Sen. Boxer:
•Even global warmists like Senator Boxer are backing away from IPCC
•Ma'am Sen. Boxer for and against climate whistleblowers.
•Will Boxer go the way of Coakley?: CA Senate race tightens (Jan. 2010)
•Boxer and Kerry campaign for cap-and-tax
•Cap and tax in the US Senate: a who's who of the villains and their committees
•Boxer: Never trust anyone who is well dressed
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