Candidate | Nov 17 | Jan 14 |
Fiorina (R) | 37% | 43% |
Boxer (D) | 46% | 46% |
Other | 5% | 3% |
Not Sure | 12% | 8% |
Chuck DeVore's support has risen 4% since November:
Candidate | Nov 17 | Jan 14 |
DeVore (R) | 36% | 40% |
Boxer (D) | 46% | 46% |
Other | 5% | 4% |
Not Sure | 13% | 10% |
Newly announced candidate Tom Cambell has 42%:
Candidate | Nov 17 | Jan 14 |
Campbell(R) | -- | 42% |
Boxer (D) | -- | 46% |
Other | -- | 3% |
Not Sure | -- | 9% |
Sen. Boxer polls are low despite the fact that, according to Rasmussen, support for Obamacare is stronger in California than in the rest of the Nation:
In California, 49% favor the health care plan, while 48% oppose it. But as in other states, the emotion is on the side of the opponents: Just 25% of California voters Strongly Favor the plan while 39% Strongly Oppose it.PREVIOUSLY on Sen. Boxer:
•Boxer and Kerry campaign for cap-and-tax
•Cap and tax in the US Senate: a who's who of the villains and their committees
•Boxer: never trust a well-dressed protester
PREVIOUSLY on the California politics and the current Governor's race:
•Who is Meg Whitman?
•Jerry Brown learns economics and the left objects
•Law signed by ex-Gov Brown's pits tree huggers against global warmists
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