Consider what the Obama campaign says the Senate version of Obamacare will accomplish:
-- Finally stop insurance companies from denying coverage due to a pre-existing condition.To anyone who understands how insurance works (shared risk), it is obvious that all those changes will increase insurance rates. Blue Cross Blue Shield says rates will increase 54%. But then, Democrats expect to be lied to.
-- Make sure you will never be charged exorbitant premiums on the basis of your age, health, or gender.
-- Allow young people to stay on their parents' coverage until they're 26 years old.
RELATED: Michelle Malkin discusses Obamacare and defining dependency up and Obamacare as a lump of coal.
PREVIOUSLY on Obamacare:
Obamacare may raise insurance costs by 54%
Harvard's Dean of Medicine opposes Obamacare
Rahm Emanuel explains that they are not even trying have Obamacare make sense
Harvard economist explains why Obamacare will raise premiums
HHS says Obamacare will cause costs to go up and cause employers to drop coverage
To protest Obamacare, San Francisco holds a sick-in
Polls say majority of voters oppose Obamacare
Rahm Emanuel explains that they are not even trying have Obamacare make sense
Harvard economist explains why Obamacare will raise premiums
HHS says Obamacare will cause costs to go up and cause employers to drop coverage
To protest Obamacare, San Francisco holds a sick-in
Polls say majority of voters oppose Obamacare
PREVIOUSLY on the subject of Democrats lying:
Lie to me
Lying as a political strategy
Lies that feel good
Faking the news
We had to figure out how to deal with a former president who was just lying
Democrats and Ethics: some poll results
Dems accuse Gen. Petraeus of lying
Lying about history
News media fakery
Liberal claims dishonesty is a virtue
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