In an election for Governor of California today, 07/12/10, Republican Meg Whitman edges Democrat Jerry Brown 46% to 39%, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KABC-TV Los Angeles, KPIX-TV San Francisco, KGTV-TV San Diego, and KFSN-TV Fresno. . . . .Although the Senate race is within the poll's margin of error, this is continues a long trend of rising numbers for Carly Fiorina and the first time that Fiorina has shown a lead, however small, over Boxer. Any number below 50% is a bad sign for an incumbent.In the race for United States Senate, Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer and Republican Carly Fiorina are effectively even. Fiorina 47%, Boxer 45%, within the survey's theoretical margin of sampling error.
Concerned for Sen. Boxer's future, VP Biden held a fundraiser for her last Thursday in Atherton, CA, on the San Francisco Peninsula. I wasn't there but Larry from San Francisco was and he reports on the protests organized by Carly Fiorina for CA:
A high definition version of the video is here. A slide show on the protest is here.
PREVIOUSLY on the always outrageous Sen. Boxer:
•Even global warmists like Senator Boxer are backing away from IPCC
•Ma'am Sen. Boxer for and against climate whistleblowers.
•Will Boxer go the way of Coakley?: CA Senate race tightens (Jan. 2010)
•Boxer and Kerry campaign for cap-and-tax
•Cap and tax in the US Senate: a who's who of the villains and their committees
•Boxer: Never trust anyone who is well dressed
PREVIOUSLY on San Francisco area tea parties:
•A Tea Party greets Obama in San Francisco and the left is not happy about it
•Collected photos of this year's San Francisco Tea Party events
•Minutemen vs. May Day protesters in San Francisco; Two arrested
•A tax day Tea Party breaks out in San Francisco's Union Square
•A tax day Tea Party breaks out on the San Francisco Peninsula
•3 in 10 Californians identify with tea party protests
•To protest Obamacare, San Francisco holds a sick-in (Nov. 15)
•A Tea Party greets Obama in San Francisco (Oct. 15)
• Videos of the October 15 San Francisco Tea Party
•San Franciscans speak to Nancy Pelosi (Aug. 14)
•The San Francisco Tax Day Tea Party Protest in Pictures (Apr. 15)
•Farmers protest in San Jose (Nov. 21).
•Tea Party breaks out in Palo Alto (Nov. 21
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